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Master of Computer Science - School of Computer Sciences


This mixed mode programme requires a minimum duration of one (1) year and a maximum of two (2) years for full-time study or a minimum duration of two (2) years and a maximum of four (4) years for part-time study. It consists of two distinct components; a taught component and a research component resulting in a dissertation. The credit requirement of this mixed mode programme is 40 units.

(i) Core Courses (Taught courses): 8 units (Code: T)

(a) CCS591/4 – Research and Empirical Methods in Computer Science
(b) CCS592/4 – Advanced Algorithms and Complexity

(ii) Elective Courses: 12 units (Code: E)

Two focus areas are offered, namely: Data and Knowledge Engineering, and Enabling Technologies and Infrastructures.

Choose three (3) elective courses with at least two (2) courses from a chosen focus area. The following table presents the list of elective courses under the two focus areas.


(iii) Dissertation (Core Course): 20 units (Code: T)

CCS599/20 – Dissertation

 The course aims to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in planning and implementation of a research project in the field of computer science. Students can choose research topics in related areas in computer science, but they are encouraged to choose research topic in their respective focus area, and then proceed to conduct extensive review of literature pertaining to the topic and eventually carry out the research under the supervision of a lecturer.  At the end of the course, students are required to produce a satisfactory dissertation in order to fulfill their degree requirements.

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Perform computer science research project using a suitable methodology.
  • Defend orally the research progress /outcomes convincingly.
  • Perform the research tasks and processes in an ethical manner.
  • Perform literature review relevant to domain of interest independently.
  • Perform the research with proper planning to meet research milestone.
  • Display autonomy and responsibility in delivering research project.
  • Investigate the research problem and able to solve them.

Students need to plan early and consult prospective supervisors for a suitable research topic/title at the beginning of the pre-requisite course CCS591 Research and Empirical Methods in Computer Science. CCS591 Research and Empirical Methods in Computer Science and CSS599 Dissertation must be taken in two consecutive semesters (CCS591 followed by CCS599). Students are strongly encouraged to choose a research topic from their chosen focus area. The research areas offered within the two focus areas are listed in the table below.


Students may commence their dissertation during the Inter-Semester Break and complete the course at the end of the Long Vacation Session OR during the Long Vacation Session and complete the course at the end of Semester I. The duration for this course is approximately 30 weeks [including the evaluation process and submission of the final hardbound copy of the dissertation]. The following table presents duration and sessions involved in the course.


Students are expected to meet their supervisors as often as possible to discuss their research work and record their meetings in a logbook both during the pre-requisite course CCS591 and throughout CCS599.

 Students are required to complete various activities/assessments by specific deadlines. A monitoring process will be implemented during the dissertation for the benefit of the students. The activities are as follows:



Detailed guidelines of the course will be uploaded to the eLearn@USM.   

A panel of examiners will be established to ensure that the research meets the required standards of the Master of Computer Science mixed-mode program. The dissertation will be evaluated by two examiners. Students are expected to produce an original piece of work that enhances existing work and contributes to the body of knowledge. Students are also required to use the standard format for the dissertation.



Applicants should possess the following:

    A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology or equivalent

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75/4.00; or 
    1. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74/4.00 with the following additional conditions: or
      • Research experience for at least one (1) year; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least one (1) year; or
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project 
    1. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49/4.00 (honours degree) with the following additional conditions:
      • Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project

    Any Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology awarded by local private institutions of higher learning, including those awarded under any collaborative/franchising schemes with local or foreign partners must be accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).


    (Applicable for International Applicants Only)

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

    • A minimum of Band 6 for IELTS; or
    • A minimum score of 60 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
    • A minimum of Band 8.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
    • A minimum score of 169 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 169/ Occupational English Test (OET) min. score 250; or
    • A minimum score of 59 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
    • A minimum of Band 109 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
    • A minimum of Band 4 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

    Exemption is given to candidate if:

    • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
    • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

    IMPORTANT: Candidates are required to provide any of the above English result upon application. Incomplete application will be rejected.

    • Full-time: Min 2 semesters / Max 4 semesters
    • Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters

    April & October 

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 268.00 X 40 Units = 10,720.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 100.00 X 40 Units = 4,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee :  480.00 X 40 Units = 19,200.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees :  200.00 X 40 Units = 8,000.00 
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

     ** Fees are subject to change


    Institute of Postgraduate Studies
    Universiti Sains Malaysia,
    11800 Penang, Malaysia.

    Tel : +604 653 2606
    Fax : +604 653 2940


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    Last Update: Friday 14 March 2025.

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    Universiti Sains Malaysia © 2025