Master of Science (River and Urban Drainage Management)
The River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC) offers a graduate programme encompassing several areas pertaining to River Management at the Master of Science. These areas are River Management, Urban Drainage Management, Hydro informatics and Environmental Hydraulics Management. This programme is open to all students of USM or other universities, local or international, who are qualified to pursue their graduate studies through research mode.
Research Thrust Areas:
River Management
- River Morphology
- Sediment Transport
- Stream Conservation and Restoration
- Flood Plain Management
- Stream Bank Control Using Bio-engineering
- Riparian Vegetation Management
- Biological Impacts of River Canalisation
- River Modelling
- Integrated River Basin Management
Urban Drainage Management
- Runoff Quality Control (Constructed Detention/Retention)
- Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Treatment Control BMPs (Gross Pollutant Trap, Constructed Ponds & Wetlands)
- Subsoil Drainage
- Storm Water Modelling
- Stochastic Modelling
- Integrated Storm Water Management
- Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS)
Hydro informatics
- Flood Risk Mapping Using GIS
- Infiltration Mapping Using GIS
- Integrated River Management Decision Support System
Environmental Hydraulics Management
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
- Surface Water Quality Modeling
- Groundwater Quality Modeling
Expertise available in the following Centre:
River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre
Applicants should possess the following:
A. Bachelor's degree in related area
1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or
2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or
a) Research experience for at least one year; or
b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
e) Grade B+ for final year project
3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or
a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
e) Grade B+ for final year project
(Applicable for International Applicants Only)
The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.
- A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
- A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
- A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
- A minimum score of 47 for PTE; or
- A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English (CAE/CPE); or
- A minimum score of 154 for Linguaskill Online; or
- A minimum of Band 3.5 for MUET
Exemption is given to candidate if:
- English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
- Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)
Full-time: Min 2 semesters / Max 6 semesters
Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 12 semesters
Malaysian (MYR) | |
Full Time | Part Time |
International (USD) | |
Full Time | Part Time |
** Fees are subject to change
** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)
Malaysian (MYR) | |
Full Time | Part Time |
International (USD) | |
Full Time | Part Time |
** Fees are subject to change