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Master of Data Science - School of Computer Sciences

Master of Data Science - School of Computer Sciences


    The goal of this programme is to produce workforce/human resource in the field of data science and analytics who are capable of making decisions based on the availability of comprehensive data. Therefore, the objective of this programme is to produce graduates who:

    • have a deep understanding of the core concepts, practices and tools in the domain of data science and analytics.
    • have the knowledge and skills in collecting and consolidating data, data modelling and advanced analysis of data which can be applied in jobs across various sectors, especially the service, business, marketing, manufacturing and healthcare sectors.
    • can act as high-power data (open source or industry standards) users in a variety of industries as well as have social, ethical and effective communication skills, and good leadership attributes.
    • are innovative in the application and use of data science and analytics tools in various fields or as researchers who are capable of making decisions based on the availability of comprehensive data as well as able to realise lifelong learning and pursue studies at a higher level in cross-disciplinary research involving ICT.

    The credit requirement of this Master of Data Science coursework mode programme is 44 units.

    (i)    Core Courses (Taught Courses): 24 units (Code: T) 

    • CDS501/4 – Principles and Practices of Data Science and Analytics
    • CDS502/4 – Big Data Storage and Management
    • CDS503/4 – Machine Learning
    • CDS504/4 – Enabling Technologies and Infrastructures for Data Science
    • CDS505/4 – Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics
    • CDS506/4 – Research, Consultancy and Professional Skills 

    (ii)   Elective Courses: 12 Units (Code: E) 

           Choose any three (3) courses from the table below:


    (iii)  Project (Core): 8 units (Code: T)

    CDS590 – Consultancy Project and Practicum

    This experiential work-based learning course prepares students to be a data scientist/analytics consultant by enhancing students’ knowledge and skills in research, planning and implementation of a consultancy project in the field of data science/analytics, which can be applied to real life situation.  Students are required to complete the practicum at their respective workplaces or their chosen/assigned organisations.  Students work under the supervision of a lecturer and an industry supervisor.  The students are required to solve a real- world problem or tap opportunities related to data science and analytics during their practicum.

    The prerequisite of this course is CDS506 which must be taken in the preceding semester. The students are required to secure practicum placement together with project proposal during CDS506.

    At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

    • Devise a solution to a real-world problem using data science technique appropriately.
    • Practice effective communication orally, the progress and achievement of the practicum.
    • Perform work collaboratively in a multi-ethnic environment with superior, colleagues, staff and supervisors.
    • Display professional behaviours such as trust, honest and non-violation of the predefined policy at the workplace.
    • Display confidence and ability to overcome challenges in completing the project and practicum.
    • Perform project tasks with proper planning to meet project milestone.
    • Display high level of responsibility and accountability to lead the project independently.

    Applicants should possess the following:

    A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology or equivalent

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75/4.00; or
    1. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74/4.00 with the following additional conditions: or
      • Research experience for at least one (1) year; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least one (1) year; or
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project
    1. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49/4.00 (honours degree) with the following additional conditions:
      • Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project

    Any Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology awarded by local private institutions of higher learning, including those awarded under any collaborative/franchising schemes with local or foreign partners must be accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).


    (Applicable for International Applicants Only)

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

    • A minimum of Band 6 for IELTS; or
    • A minimum score of 60 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
    • A minimum of Band 8.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
    • A minimum score of 169 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 169/ Occupational English Test (OET) min. score 250; or
    • A minimum score of 59 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
    • A minimum of Band 109 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
    • A minimum of Band 4 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

    Exemption is given to candidate if:

    • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
    • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

    IMPORTANT: Candidates are required to provide any of the above English result upon application. Incomplete application will be rejected.


    • Full-time: Min 3 semesters / Max 6 semesters

    • April & October
  • FEES

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 270.00 X 44 Units = 11,880.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 101.25 X 44 Units = 4,455.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 480.00 X  44 Units = 19,200.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 200.00 X 44 Units = 8,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** Fees are subject to change

Master of Environmental Science - School of Industrial Technology

Master of Environmental Science - School of Industrial Technology


    The full coursework Master of Science in Environmental Science program is designed to develop your environmental scientific and analytical skills for a professional career in the government or private sectors. It is an interdisciplinary program that combines the natural and social sciences within a technology-based multidisciplinary framework.

    Career Prospects

    By obtaining this Master's Degree, you widen your career opportunities. In the management field, you can be a policy advisor, environmental manager, or government officer. In business, you can be an environmental consultant or product manager. In research, you will be able to be an academic, environmental science specialist, or a researcher. This Master's degree will also allow you to proceed to a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in diverse fields such as in the Sciences, Engineering, Technology, or even Social Sciences.

    The Program Structure

    Classes are held on weekends. Labs would be on the weekdays. Registration is open two times a year. You can register for the first or second semester.

    To graduate, you would need to complete 40-unit courses, which cover core and elective courses, 27 and 20 units, respectively. You need to take all core courses (a total of 27 units), but you can choose the elective courses (a total of 13 units). A typical program would consist of two semesters; each semester would be 18 weeks or four months long.

    Semester Code Core courses Unit
    Semester 1 IEA501 Atmospheric Science and Air Quality 3
    IEA518 Environmental Sampling Techniques 3
    IEG503 Hydrogeology and Watershed Management 3
    IEA505 *Research Project 4
    Code Elective courses Unit
    IEA517 Environmental Law, Monitoring and Enforcement 3
    IEA506 Environmental Scientific Writing 4
    IEA515 Environmental Microbiology 3
    Semester 2 Code Core courses Unit
    IEG502 Aquatic Ecotoxicology 3
    IEA504 Ecosystem Services 4
    IEK516 Sustainable Energy Resources 3
    IEA505 *Research Project 4
    Code Elective courses Unit
    IEA519 Environmental Issues 3
    IEA514 Applied Environmental Forensics 3
    IEG513 Environmental Disaster Management 4

    *For the course IEA505 Research Project (8 units), it is a course that spans two semesters. For example, you can take this course in the second semester and continue the second half of the course in the first semester or vice versa.

    Expertise available in the following School: School of Industrial Technology or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Applicants should possess the following:

    A. Bachelor's degree in related area

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or

    2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least one year; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project


    (Applicable for International Applicants Only)

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

    • A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
    • A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
    • A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
    • A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 154; or
    • A minimum score of 47 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
    • A minimum of Band 107 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
    • A minimum of Band 3.5 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

    Exemption is given to candidate if:

    • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
    • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

    • Full-time: Min 2 semesters / Max 4 semesters
    • Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters

    • April & October
  • FEES

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 450.00 X 40 Units = 18,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 160.00 X 40 Units = 6,400.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 450.00 X 40 Units = 18,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 160.00 X 40 Units = 6,400.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** Fees are subject to change

Master of Landscape Architecture - School of Housing, Building and Planning

Master of Landscape Architecture - School of Housing, Building and Planning


    The Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) at the School of HBP is a professional programme which is offered to candidates from different backgrounds such as Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, and other Bachelor degree in related built environment fields. The Programme Educational Objective (PEO) is to produce professional graduates in the field of Landscape Architecture who are knowledgeable, competent, holistic, creative, respected, with forward-thinking mindset and sensitive to the environment. These characteristics are crucial in every Landscape Architecture graduates to ensure the sustainability of landscape development that can improve the quality of life and the quality of environment for the humans and other creatures.


    The full-time programme offers Three (3) Study Tracks for candidates from different backgrounds. The course structure for each Study Track is as below:

    Master of Landscape Architecture Programme Unit
    Track 1 For candidates with Bachelor of Landscape Architecture  
    Core Courses 42
    Additional Courses 0
    Total 42
    Track 2 For candidates with Bachelor degree in related built environment fields (design based)  
    Core Courses 42
    Additional Courses 9
    Total 51
    Track 3 For candidates with Bachelor degree in related built environment fields (non-design based)  
    Core Courses 42
    Additional Courses 22
    Total 64

    Applicants should possess the following:

    A. Bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture or related area

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or

    2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least one year; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    Additional documents to be submitted:

    1. Supporting Letter from Program/Design Coordinator; or
    2. Design studio course content (if any); or
    3. Design portfolio (if any) 

    (Applicable for International Applicants Only)

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

    • A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
    • A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
    • A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
    • A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 154; or
    • A minimum score of 47 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
    • A minimum of Band 107 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
    • A minimum of Band 3.5 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

    Exemption is given to candidate if:

    • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
    • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

    • Full-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters (Track 1 & 2)
    • Full-time: Min 5 semesters / Max 10 semesters (Track 3)

    • April & October
  • FEES

      Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    Track 1
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 220.00 X 42 Units = 9240.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 82.50 X 42 Units = 3465.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    Track 2
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 220.00 X 51 Units = 11220.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 82.50 X 51 Units = 4207.50
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    Track 3
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 220.00 X 64 Units = 14080.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 82.50 X 64 Units = 5280.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    *Fees are subject to change

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

      Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    Track 1
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 400.00 X 42 Units = 18,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 140.00 X 42 Units = 6,300.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    Track 2
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 340.00 X 51 Units = 18,360.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 140.00 X 51 Units = 7,560.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    Track 3
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 340.00 X 64 Units = 22,780.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1000.00
    • Tuition Fees :140.00 X 64 Units = 9,380.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    *Fees are subject to change

Master of Digital Transformation - School of Computer Sciences

Master of Digital Transformation - School of Computer Sciences


    The credit requirement of this Master of Digital Transformation coursework mode programme is 44 units.

    (i) Core Courses: 24 units (Code: T)

    • CDT541/4 – Industrial Digital Transformation
    • CDT542/4 – Digital Entrepreneurship
    • CDT543/4 – Systematic and Lean Innovation Management
    • CDT544/4 – Enterprise Architecture for Digital Business Transformation
    • CDS501/4 – Principles and Practices of Data Science and Analytics +
    • CDS506/4 – Research, Consultancy and Professional Skills +

    (ii) Elective Courses: 8 Units (Code: E)

    Choose any two (2) courses from the electives below:


    (iii) Project (Core): 12 units (Code: T)

    CDT594/12 – Digital Transformation Project and Practicum

    This experiential work-based learning course designed to equip students to confidently help conceive, lead and execute digital transformation initiatives and develop new business models for existing organizations through the implementation of a consultancy project. Students are required to complete the practicum at their respective workplaces or their chosen/assigned organisations.  Students work under the supervision of a lecturer and an industry supervisor.  The students are required to solve a real-world problem or tap opportunities related to digital transformation during their practicum. The prerequisite of this course is CDS506 which must be taken in the preceding semester. The students are required to secure practicum placement together with project proposal during CDS506.


    Applicants should possess the following:

    A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology or equivalent

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75/4.00; or 
    1. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74/4.00 with the following additional conditions: or
      • Research experience for at least one (1) year; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least one (1) year; or
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project 
    1. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49/4.00 (honours degree) with the following additional conditions:
      • Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
      • Professional experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
      • One (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
      • Grade B for major/elective courses; or
      • Grade B+ for final year project

    Any Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Computing/Information Technology awarded by local private institutions of higher learning, including those awarded under any collaborative/franchising schemes with local or foreign partners must be accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).


    (Applicable for International Applicants Only)

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

    • A minimum of Band 6 for IELTS; or
    • A minimum score of 60 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
    • A minimum of Band 8.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
    • A minimum score of 169 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 169/ Occupational English Test (OET) min. score 250; or
    • A minimum score of 59 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
    • A minimum of Band 109 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
    • A minimum of Band 4 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

    Exemption is given to candidate if:

    • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
    • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

    IMPORTANT: Candidates are required to provide any of the above English result upon application. Incomplete application will be rejected.


    • Full-time: Min 3 semesters / Max 6 semesters
    • Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters

    April & October

  • FEES

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee : 410.00 X  44 Units = 18,040.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 145.00 X 44 Units = 6,380.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

    Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee : 480.00 X  44 Units = 19,200.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Registration Fees : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fees : 200.00 X 44 Units = 8,000.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00

    ** Fees are subject to change

Master of Science in Optoelectronics - Institute of Nano-Optoelectronics Research and Technology

Master of Science in Optoelectronics - Institute of Nano-Optoelectronics Research and Technology


    Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR) focuses on research and development (R&D) from the areas of nanoscience, nanomaterials, nanofabrication and nanoengineering that are collectively building intellectual and technological bridges from nanoscale concepts to practical nano optoelectronic devices and systems.

    This institute has been considered to be one of the most modern and innovative research laboratory on optoelectronics and nanotechnology in Universiti Sains Malaysia which has an extensive range of equipments and facilities for growth, fabrication and characterization of optoelectronic and electronic devices at nanoscale. INOR has been setup with various state-of-the-art equipments, which supports the research activities from fundamental level to product development.

    Currently, INOR offers Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science (Research Mode) in Optoelectronics for the following research fields i.e Nano Materials Fabrication and Characterization; Nano Materials and Devices; Nano Device and Packaging; Modelling and Simulation of Nano Optoelectronic Devices; Nano Integrated Systems; Solid State Lighting Solutions; and Nano Optics. The graduates from these programs are expected to have high employment prospects in semiconductor electronics industry.

    Research Thrust Area:

    Nano Materials

    • III-V nitrides
    • Silicon (Si)
    • Zinc oxide (ZnO)
    • Carbon
    • Silicon germinium (SiGe)
    • Graphene
    • Organic materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Porous Membrane

    Nano Optical and ElectronicDevices

    • Light Emitting Diode (LED)
    • Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
    • LASER
    • Solar Cell
    • Sensor
    • Discrete Electronic Diodes
    • Nano Electromechanical System (NEMS)
    • Solid State Lighting

    Applicants should possess the following:

    A. Bachelor's degree in related area

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or

    2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least one year; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project


    Not Applicable


    Full-time: Min 12 months / Max 36 months

    Part-time: Min 24 months / Max 72 months

  • FEES

    Malaysian (MYR)
    Full Time Part Time
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 4,150.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee : 750.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Research Methodology : 320.00
    • Registration Fee : 310.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 3,585.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee: 750.00
    • Convocation Fee : 200.00
    • Research Methodology : 320.00


    International (USD)
    Full Time Part Time
    • Registration Fee : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 1,550.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee: 250.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    • Research Methodology : 80.00
    • Registration Fee : 222.50
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 1,400.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee : 250.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    • Research Methodology : 80.00

    ** Fees are subject to change

    ** New fees to be imposed starting from Academic Session 2025/2026 (October 2025 intake onward)

    Malaysian (MYR)
    Full Time Part Time
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 4,150.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee : 800.00
    • Convocation Fee : 120.00
    • Research Methodology : 320.00
    • Registration Fee : 330.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 3,585.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee: 800.00
    • Convocation Fee : 120.00
    • Research Methodology : 320.00


    International (USD)
    Full Time Part Time
    • Registration Fee : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 1,800.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee: 250.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    • Research Methodology : 80.00
    • Registration Fee : 225.00
    • Personal Bond : 1,000.00
    • Tuition Fee (Semester) : 1,530.00
    • Thesis Evaluation Fee : 250.00
    • Convocation Fee : 50.00
    • Research Methodology : 80.00

    ** Fees are subject to change


Institute of Postgraduate Studies
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel : +604 653 2606
Fax : +604 653 2940


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Last Update: Friday 14 March 2025.

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Universiti Sains Malaysia © 2025