The Electrical Engineering Programme covers Power Generation (conventional and unconventional methods), Transmission, Distribution and Consumption, Electrical Machines, Analysis, Design, Applications, Power System Stability, High Voltage Engineering, Renewable Energy, Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement, and Power Electronics.
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia.
http://ee.eng.usm.myDuration : 4 Years / 8 Semesters (Minimum)
7 Years / 14 Semesters (Maximum)
Medium Instruction : English Language
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
STPM KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others STPM:i. Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in the following subjects:
- Physics
- Mathematics T
Candidates should not have visual impairments (color blindness) or physical disabilities that hinder practical work.
KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM):i. Passed Matriculation (KPM) / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B (3.00) in the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Physics / Engineering Physics / Computer Science / Programming / Computing / Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Candidates should not have visual impairments (color blindness) or physical disabilities that hinder practical work.
Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others:Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/Mechatronics Engineering or a related field with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
Obtain at least a Grade B (3.00) at the Diploma level in Mathematics / Engineering Mathematics.
Obtain at least a Grade C in Mathematics / Additional Mathematics and Physics at the SPM level.
A-Level with a minimum score of 10 and obtain at least a Grade B in the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Physics
Obtain at least a Grade B in Mathematics / Additional Mathematics at the SPM level.
International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 28 and obtain at least a score of 5 at the High Level (HL) in the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Physics
Obtain at least a score of 5 at the Standard Level (SL) in any one (1) other subject.
Obtain at least a Grade B in Mathematics / Additional Mathematics at the SPM level.
AUSMAT/SAM with a minimum aggregate of 68 and obtain at least a Grade B in the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Physics
Obtain at least a Grade B in Mathematics / Additional Mathematics at the SPM level.
Candidates should not have visual impairments (color blindness) or physical disabilities that hinder practical work.
STPM Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain STPM:i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (NGMP 3.00) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics
• Mathematics T
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) dan tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM:i. Lulus Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (3.00) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Mathematics
• Physics / Engineering Physics / Computer Science / Programming / Computing / Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) dan tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain:Memiliki Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik/Elektronik/ Mekatronik atau bidang berkaitan dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (3.00) pada peringkat Diploma dalam mata pelajaran Matematik / Matematik Kejuruteraan.
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics / Additional Mathematics dan Physics pada peringkat SPM.
Lulus A-Level dengan memperolehi minimum skor 10 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics
• PhysicsDan
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics / Additional Mathematics pada peringkat SPM.
Lulus International Baccalaureate (IB) dengan memperolehi minimum skor 28 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 5 di peringkat High Level (HL) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics
• PhysicsDan
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 5 di peringkat Standard Level (SL) dalam mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran lain.
DanMendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics / Additional Mathematics pada peringkat SPM.
Lulus AUSMAT/SAM dengan memperolehi minimum agregat 68 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics
• PhysicsDan
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics / Additional Mathematics pada peringkat SPM.
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) dan tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):700.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):480.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,180.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change -
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):6,875.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):7,425.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Circuit Theory I
- Computer Programming for Engineers
- Engineering Materials
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Calculus
- Basic Circuit Lab
- Digital Electronic I
- Semiconductor Devices
- Engineering Practice
- Advanced Engineering Calculus
- Circuit Theory II
- Signal and System
- Digital Electronic Lab
- Complex Analysis for Engineers
- Analog Electronics I
- Microprocessor I
- Analog Electronic Laboratory
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Electrical Power Technology
- Electrical Machines
- Communication
- Control System
- Power Electronics
- High Voltage Engineering
- Probability & Engineering Statistics
- Electrical Laboratory
- Power System Analysis
- Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement
- Engineer in Society
- Industrial Training
- Microwave Engineering
- Economy & Management of Power System
- Computational Intelligence
- Advanced Power Electronic
- Renewable Energy
- Embedded System and IoT
- Electrical Engineering Design
- Electrical Machine & Drives
- Electric Power Distribution System
- Undergraduate Project
- Electrical Machine Design
- Control System Design
- Big Data Analytics
- Electrical Engineers
- Communication Engineers
- Design Engineer
- Instrumentation & Control Engineer
- Network Engineer
- Production Engineer
- Robotic Technologist
- System Engineer
- Test Engineer
- Quality Control Engineer
- Entrepreneur
- Lecturer
Related Industries
- Consumer Electronics Industry
- Telecommunications Industry
- Automotive and Transportation Industry
- Aerospace and Defense Industry
- Healthcare and Medical Devices Industry
- Power and Energy Industry
- Information Technology (IT)
- Renewable Energy Industry
- Research and Development (R&D)
- Manufacturing and Industrial Automation
- Consumer Goods and Appliances
- Electronics Industry
- Construction and Building Services

Student Admission Unit
Academic Management Division, Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196
Fax : +604 653 3328
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