Manufacturing Engineering at USM is designed to prepare competent engineering graduates employable in wide spectrum of manufacturing industries. The programme delivers fundamental knowledge and skills in manufacturing science, manufacturing process and technology, industrial automation, industrial ergonomic and quality control, materials processing, product design and development, and management of the whole production chain. The management of cost, quality, efficiency and human factors involving a manufacturing system is taught through a series of production management, engineering economic and ergonomic courses. The scientific and technical aspects of manufacturing are mainly emphasized in a group of manufacturing technology, processes, metrology and control courses. With the combination of technical skills and managerial knowledge required of a modern manufacturing system, the Manufacturing Engineering with Management programme produces engineers who are able to manage effectively and efficiently the limited resources, equipment and manpower for the manufacture of high value goods.55 In addition to the common engineering courses, Manufacturing engineering courses and programme delivery covers the following area of technical competencies.
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia.
http://mechanical.eng.usm.myDuration : 4 Years / 8 Semesters (Minimum)
7 Years / 14 Semesters (Maximum)
Medium Instruction : English Language
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
STPM KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others STPM:i. Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.75
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B- (NGMP 2.67) in the following subjects:
• Physics
• Mathematics TKPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM):i. Passed Matriculation (KPM) / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.75
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B- (2.67) in the following subjects:
• Mathematics
• Physics / Engineering Physics / Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics EngineeringDiploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others:Diploma in a related field of Manufacturing Engineering with a minimum CGPA of 2.75
A-Level with a minimum score of 10 and obtained at least a Grade C in the following subjects:
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics
• PhysicsOR
International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 28 and obtained at least a score of 4 at High Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) in the following subjects:
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics / Mathematical Studies / Mathematical Methods
• PhysicsOR
AUSMAT/SAM with a minimum aggregate score of 68 and obtained at least a Grade C in the following subjects:
• Mathematical Studies / Specialist Mathematics
• PhysicsOR
Equivalent qualification recognized by Senate of the University
STPM Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain STPM:i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.75
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B- (NGMP 2.67) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics
• Mathematics TMatrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM:i. Lulus Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.75
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B- (2.67) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Mathematics
• Physics / Engineering Physics / Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics EngineeringDiploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain:Memiliki Diploma dalam bidang berkaitan Kejuruteraan Pembuatan dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.75
Lulus A-Level dengan memperolehi minimum skor 10 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics / Further Mathematics
• Physics
Lulus International Baccalaureate (IB) dengan memperolehi minimum skor 28 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 4 di peringkat High Level (HL) atau Standard Level (SL) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics / Further Mathematics / Mathematical Studies / Mathematical Methods
• Physics
Lulus AUSMAT/SAM dengan memperolehi minimum agregat 68 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematical Studies / Specialist Mathematics
• Physics
Mempunyai kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya dan diperakukan oleh Senat Universiti.
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):700.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):480.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,180.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change -
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):6,875.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):7,425.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Engineering Drawing & CAD
- Engineering Practice
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Calculus
- Numerical Computing
- Engineering Materials
- Malay Language
- Fluid Mechanics
- Statics
- Advanced Engineering Calculus
- Computer-Aided Conceptual Design
- Malay Language I
- Core Entrepreneurship
- English
- Integrity & Anti-Corruption
- Thermodynamics
- Strength of Materials
- Probability & Engineering Statistics
- Product Design & Development
- Manufacturing Technology I
- Academic English
- Engineering Economics
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- Manufacturing Lab I
- Metrology & Quality Control
- Ethics & Civilization
- Engineers & Society
- Philosophy and Current Issues
- Measurement & Instrumentation
- Automatic Control
- Management in Engineering
- Manufacturing Lab II
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- Industrial Engineering
- Technical and Engineering English
- Mechatronics
- Production Management
- Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- Six Sigma Manufacturing & Management
- Academic English
- Integrated Design in Manufacturing Engineering
- Final Year Project
- Industrial Training
- Robotics and Smart Factory
- Industrial Machine Vision
- Industrial Ergonomics
- Micro and Nano-Manufacturing Engineering Technical and Engineering English
- Advanced Semiconductor Technology
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining
- Industrial Experimentation
- Project Management
- Design Engineer
- Process Engineer
- Maintenance Engineer
- Project Engineer
- Plant Engineer
- Quality Control Engineer
- Research and Development Engineer
- Manager
- Researcher
Related Industries
- Automotive Manufacturing
- Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Aerospace Manufacturing
- Consumer Goods Production
- Food and Beverage Manufacturing
- Robotics and Automation
- Energy & Utilities
- Manufacturing Processes & Product Design
- Industrial Machine Vision
- Government Agencies

Student Admission Unit
Academic Management Division, Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196
Fax : +604 653 3328
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