This program emphasizes areas of study within the discipline of economics, such as finance, business and trade, development and planning, industrialization, and human resources, which are expected to meet part of the market demand. These fields are applied in nature.
School of Social Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang, Malaysia.
http://www.soc.usm.myDuration : 4 Years / 8 Semesters
Medium Instruction : English Language
Examination : Bilingual (Bahasa Malaysia & English)
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
STPM KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others STPM:i. Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) examination with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in the following subjects:
- Economics
- Any one (1) of the following subjects:
- Geography
- History
- Malay Language
- Business Studies
- Accounting
- Mathematics M
iii. Excellent in the interview.
Candidates must not have any visual impairments.KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM):i. Passed the Matriculation Program (KPM) / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade B (3.00) in any two (2) of the following subjects:
- Economics / Principles of Economics
- Mathematics / Accounting / Financial Accounting / Management Accounting / Business Management / Business and Technology / Financial Accounting / Management Accounting / Principles of Marketing
iii. Excellent in the interview.
Candidates must not have any visual impairments.Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others:Diploma in a related field with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
A-Level with a minimum score of 11 and obtained at least a Grade B in Economics and any one (1) of the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Accounting
- Further Mathematics
- Business Studies
International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 29 and obtained at least a score of 4 in Economics at the High Level (HL) and one (1) other subject at the Standard Level (SL) from the following:
- Business and Management
- Mathematical Studies
- Mathematical Methods
- Mathematics
- Further Mathematics
- Economics
AUSMAT/SAM with a minimum aggregate of 68 and obtained at least a Grade B in Economics and any one (1) of the following subjects:
- Accounting / Accounting and Finance
- Mathematical Studies
- Specialist Mathematics
- Business Management & Enterprise
Equivalent qualification recognized by Senate of the University.
Excellent in the interview.
Candidates must not have any visual impairments. -
STPM Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain STPM:i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (NGMP 3.00) dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Ekonomi
• Mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:• Geografi
• Sejarah
• Bahasa Melayu
• Pengajian Perniagaan
• Perakaunan
• Mathematics MDAN
iii. Cemerlang dalam penilaian temu duga.
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan.Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM:i. Lulus Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (3.00) dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Ekonomi / Prinsip Ekonomi
• Mathematics / Accounting / Financial Accounting / Management Accounting / Pengurusan Perniagaan / Business and Technology / Perakaunan Kewangan / Perakaunan Pengurusan / Prinsip PemasaranDAN
iii. Cemerlang dalam penilaian temu duga.
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan.Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain:Memiliki Diploma dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
Lulus A-Level dengan memperolehi minimum skor 11 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran Economics dan mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics
• Accounting
• Further Mathematics
• Business Studies
Lulus International Baccalaureate (IB) dengan memperolehi minimum skor 29 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 4 bagi mata pelajaran Economics di peringkat High Level (HL) dan satu (1) mata pelajaran lain di peringkat Standard Level (SL) seperti berikut:• Business and Management
• Mathematical Studies
• Mathematical Methods
• Mathematics
• Further Mathematics
• Economics
Lulus AUSMAT/SAM dengan memperolehi minimum agregat 68 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran Economics dan mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:• Accounting / Accounting and Finance
• Mathematical Studies
• Specialist Mathematics
• Business Management & Enterprise
Mempunyai kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya dan diperakukan oleh Senat Universiti.DAN
Cemerlang dalam penilaian temu duga.Nota:
Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan.
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):510.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,060.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change -
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):5,625.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):6,175.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Islamic Economics
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Mathematics for Economic Analysis
- Malaysian Economics
- Intermediate Microeconomics
- Intermediate Macroeconomics
- Labour Economics
- Applied Statistics
- History of Economics
- Basic Econometrics
- Economics of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives
- Development Economics
- Research Methodology
- Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues
- Public Sector Economics I
- Behavioral Economics
- Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
- Energy Economics
- Industrial Organisation
- Money, Banking and Financial Markets
- Tourism Economics
- Economic Planning and Project Analysis
- Industrial Training
- International Trade
- Monetary Economics
- Public Finance II
- Research Project International Finance
- Ekonomi Gunaan
- Regional Economics
- Academician
- Researcher
- Reporter
- Writer
- Teacher
- Human Resource Executive
- Marketing Executive
- NGO’s Advocator
- Government Officer
Related Industries- Universities
- Schools
- Publishing Companies
- Private Sectors
- Government Agencies
- NGO Agencies

Student Admission Unit
Academic Management Division, Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196
Fax : +604 653 3328
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