US6543001 - Bachelor of Bioresource Technology with Honours
This programme is designed to prepare the students with a strong background in bioresource (wood/non-wood), paper, and coatings science and technology. Besides, the students are exposed to knowledge in basic coatings technology, basic wood science and technology, pulp production and papermaking, paper recycling, wood-based panel technology, lignocellulosic composite, and etc. Apart from theory courses, students will also undergo practical course with the aim of obtaining practical skills and correlating it with the theory. The knowledge acquired will prepare the students for their future career in industries related to wood, furniture, panel, pulp, papermaking, paint,
adhesives, resins, coatings, and packaging.School Of Industrial Technology,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Duration : 3 ½ Years / 7 Semesters (Minimum)
6 Years / 12 Semesters (Maximum)
Medium Instruction : English Language
Examination : Bilingual (Bahasa Malaysia & English)
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
stpm KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others stpm:i. Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade C (CGPA 2.00) in any one (1) of the following subjects:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics TKPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM):i. Passed Matriculation (KPM) / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.00
ii. Obtained at least a Grade C (2.00) in any one (1) of the following subjects:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics
• Physics Engineering / Chemistry Engineering
• Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics EngineeringDiploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others:Diploma in a related field with a minimum CGPA of 2.00
A-Level with a minimum score of 10 and obtained at least a Grade C in any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics / Further MathematicsOR
International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 24 and obtained at least a score of 4 at Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) in any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics / Mathematical Studies / Mathematical MethodsOR
AUSMAT/SAM with a minimum aggregate score of 68 and obtained at least a Grade C in any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematical Studies / Specialist MathematicsOR
Equivalent qualification recognized by Senate of the University.
stpm Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain stpm:i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C (NGMP 2.00) dalam mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics TMatrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM:i. Lulus Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.00
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C (2.00) dalam mana-mana satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics
• Physics Engineering / Chemistry Engineering
• Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics EngineeringDiploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain:Lulus Diploma dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.00
ATAULulus A-Level dengan memperolehi minimum skor 10 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics
Lulus International Baccalaureate (IB) dengan memperolehi minimum skor 24 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 4 di peringkat High Level (HL) atau Standard Level (SL) dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics / Mathematical Studies / Mathematical MethodsATAU
Lulus AUSMAT/SAM dengan memperolehi minimum agregat 68 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Physics
• Mathematical Studies / Specialist MathematicsATAU
Mempunyai kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya dan diperakukan oleh Senat Universiti.
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):700.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,250.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change -
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):6,000.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):6,550.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Bioresource as Industrial Raw Materials
- Basic Bioresource Science and Technology
- Mathematics I
- Basic Chemical Process Calculations
- Chemistry for Technologist
- Malay Language IV
- Core Entrepreneurship
- Basic Coatings Technology
- Pulp Production and Paper Recycling
- Bioresource Based Products, Environment Safety and Health Legislation
- Mathematics II
- Statistic with Computer Applications
- Progressive English/ Resit MUET
- General English 1
- General English II
- Raw Materials and Coatings Chemistry
- Stock Preparation and Papermaking
- Coatings Technology Laboratory I
- Bioresource Technology Laboratory I
- Thinking Techniques
- Chemical Additives and Paper Properties, Paper Technology Laboratory I
- Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Product Development
- Experimental Design with Computer Applications
- Renewable Biomass
- Process Heat Transfer
- Analytical Chemistry I
- Philosophy and Current Issues
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
- Mathematics II
- Environmental Management
- English LHP xx series
- Coatings Process and Equipment
- Bioresource Technology Laboratory II
- Paper Technology Laboratory II
- Research Project of Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology
- Furniture Manufacturing
- Advanced Paper Technology − Instrumental Analysis for Pulp and Paper
- Mechanics of Structural Materials
- Coatings Technology Laboratory II
- Advanced Technology of Coatings
- Research Project of Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology
- Fibre and Lignocellulosic Composite
- Bioresource, Paper & Coating Industrial Training.
- Process Engineer / Quality Control Engineer
- Product Engineer or Executive / Quality Assurance Engineer or Executive
- Technical Sales Executive / Customer Service
- R&D Executive/ Research Assistant/ Researcher
- Material Engineer
- Coating Formulator
- Operation Planner
Related Industries
- Pulp and Paper Industry
- Paint/ Adhesive/ Functional Coatings Industry
- Biomass/ Wood Industry
- Polymer/ Biopolymer Industry
- Viscose Rayon Industry
- Packaging Industry
- Furniture Industry
- Electronic Industry
- Government Sectors: FRIM / MPOB / MTIB / NKTB