The programme covers multidisciplinary materials synthesis, product development and fabrication for semiconductor, oil & gas, steel, advanced composite, polymer, ceramic and biomedical industries.
School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering
Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia.
http://material.eng.usm.myDuration : 4 Years / 8 Semesters (Minimum)
7 Years / 14 Semesters (Maximum)
Medium Instruction : English Language
Examination : Bilingual (Bahasa Malaysia & English)
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
STPM KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others STPM:i. Passed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.50
ii. Obtained at least a Grade C+ (NGMP 2.33) in Mathematics T and any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Physics
• Biology
• ChemistryNote:
• The candidate must not have a visual impairment (color blindness) (for the Mineral Engineering program [US6524002] only).
• The candidate must not have a physical disability that hinders practical work.KPM Matriculation / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM):i. Passed Matriculation (KPM) / Foundation Studies (UM/UKM/UiTM) with a minimum CGPA of 2.50
ii. Obtained at least a Grade C+ (2.33) in Mathematics and any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Physics / Engineering Physics
• Chemistry / Engineering Chemistry
• Biology
• Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics EngineeringNote:
• The candidate must not have a visual impairment (color blindness) (for the Mineral Engineering program [US6524002] only).
• The candidate must not have a physical disability that hinders practical work.Diploma / Equivalent – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM, and others:Diploma in a related field with a minimum CGPA of 3.00
Obtained at least a Grade C in the following subjects at the SPM level:
• Mathematics
• Physics / Chemistry / Biology / ScienceOR
A-Level with a minimum score of 10 and obtained at least a Grade B in the following subject:
• Mathematics / Further Mathematics
Obtained at least a Grade C in any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• BiologyOR
International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 28 and obtained at least a score of 4 at High Level (HL) in any two (2) of the following subjects:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Mathematics
• Design TechnologyAnd
Obtained at least a score of 4 at Standard Level (SL) in one (1) of the following subjects:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Mathematics
• Design Technology
• Mathematical Studies
• Mathematical Methods
• Further MathematicsOR
AUSMAT/SAM with a minimum aggregate score of 68 and obtained at least a Grade C in any three (3) of the following subjects:
• Mathematical Studies
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Specialist MathematicsOR
Equivalent qualification recognized by Senate of the University.
• The candidate must not have a visual impairment (color blindness) (for the Mineral Engineering program [US6524002] only).
• The candidate must not have a physical disability that hinders practical work. -
STPM Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain STPM:i. Lulus Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.50
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C+ (NGMP 2.33) dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics T dan mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) (untuk program Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral [US6524002] sahaja).
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM:i. Lulus Matrikulasi KPM / Asasi UM / Asasi UKM / Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.50
ii. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C+ (2.33) dalam mata pelajaran Mathematics dan mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics / Engineering Physics
• Chemistry / Engineering Chemistry
• Biology
• Basic Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) (untuk program Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral [US6524002] sahaja).
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.Diploma / Setaraf – A-Level, IB, AUSMAT, SAM dan lain-lain:Memiliki Diploma dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut:
• Mathematics
• Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Science
Lulus A-Level dengan memperolehi minimum skor 10 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B dalam mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematics / Further Mathematics
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
Lulus International Baccalaureate (IB) dengan memperolehi minimum skor 28 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 4 di peringkat High Level (HL) dalam mana-mana dua (2) mata pelajaran berikut:• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Mathematics
• Design TechnologyDan
Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya skor 4 di peringkat Standard Level (SL) dalam satu (1) mata pelajaran berikut:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Mathematics
• Design Technology
• Mathematical Studies
• Mathematical Methods
• Further MathematicsATAU
Lulus AUSMAT/SAM dengan memperolehi minimum agregat 68 dan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C dalam mana-mana tiga (3) mata pelajaran berikut:• Mathematical Studies
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Specialist Mathematics
Mempunyai kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya dan diperakukan oleh Senat Universiti.
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan penglihatan (buta warna) (untuk program Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral [US6524002] sahaja).
• Calon tidak mempunyai ketidakupayaan fizikal yang menyukarkan kerja-kerja amali.
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):700.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):480.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,180.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Materials Engineer
- Manufacturing Engineer
- QA Engineer
- Corrosion Engineer
- Welding Engineer
- R&D Engineer
- Product Engineer
- NDT Inspector
- Research Officer
- Process Engineer
- Supplier Quality Engineer
- NPI Engineer
- Industrial Engineer
- Science Officer
Related Industries
- Ceramic
- Metal (Corrosion, Welding)
- Composites
- Polymer Manufacturing & Process
- Electronic
- Semiconductor
- Medical Devices
- Biomaterials
- Automotive
- Research & Development
- Government Agencies