US6441001 - Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honours
The Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honours offers a rigorous first-year curriculum that establishes a strong foundation in fundamental physics. Students will explore core areas including Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Vibrations and Waves, Modern Physics, and Electronics. The program provides students with the essential knowledge and skills for advanced study, with the option to specialize in one of three tracks: Pure Physics, Electronics and Semiconductor, or Optics and Photonics
School of Physics,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Duration : 4 Years / 8 Semesters (Minimum)
6 Years / 12 Semesters (Maximum)
Medium Instruction: English Language
Examination : English
Semester Offered : Semester 1 (October) -
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (ENGLISH VERSION) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (MALAY VERSION) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (ENGLISH VERSION):- Passed SPM/SPMV or an equivalent qualification with a credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Malaysia (July Paper) and a pass in History.
- Achieved at least Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) or an equivalent qualification within one (1) year from the date of registration.
Passing the History subject at the SPM level has been a requirement since 2013.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (MALAY VERSION):- Lulus SPM/ SPMV/ setaraf dengan mendapat KEPUJIAN dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia/ Bahasa Malaysia Julai dan lulus dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah
- Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Band 2 dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) atau setaraf dalam tempoh satu (1) tahun dari tarikh mendaftar
Lulus mata pelajaran Sejarah di peringkat SPM berkuatkuasa mulai tahun 2013
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (ENGLISH VERSION) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (MALAY VERSION) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (ENGLISH VERSION):- Must be at least fifty (50) years old or older on the closing date of the application.
- Have a minimum of ten (10) years of work experience in a relevant field.
- Demonstrate excellence in the interview assessment.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (MALAY VERSION):- Berumur sekurang-kurangnya lima puluh (50) tahun dan ke atas pada tarikh tutup permohonan
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh (10) tahun dalam bidang berkaitan
- Cemerlang dalam penilaian temu duga
TYPE of fees Amount (RM) TYPE of fees: Tuition FeesAmount (RM):620.00
TYPE of fees: Recurrent Fee (Payable every semester)Amount (RM):550.00
TYPE of fees: Per semesterAmount (RM):1,170.00
TYPE of fees: Non-Recurrent Fee (Payable upon registration)Amount (RM):720.00
TYPE of fees: ** Fees are subject to change
- Physics I (Mechanics)
- Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)
- Physics III (Vibrations, Waves and Optics)
- Physics IV (Modern Physics)
- Electronics I
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis
- Physics Practical I
- Physics Practical II
- Computational Approach in Physics Learning
- Quantum Mechanics
- Electronics II
- Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
- Optics
- Physics Practical III
- Thermodynamics
- Mathematical Methods
- Physics Practical IV
- Introduction to Microprocessors
- Instrumentation
- Electronic and Photonic Materials
- Workshop Training and Product Design
- Optical Fiber and Photonic Devices
- Photonics Laboratory
- Classical Mechanics
- Introduction to Astronomy
- Structure of the Universe
- Materials Science
- Solid State Physics I
- Physics Project (two semesters)
- Electricity and Magnetism II
- Statistical Mechanics
- Solid State Physics II
- Physics of Semiconductor Devices
- Solid State Lighting
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- The Engineer in Society
- Medical Instrumentation
- Energy Studies
- Remote Sensing
- Astronomy Principles and Practices
- Introduction to Radio Astronomy
- Semiconductor Fabrication Processes
- Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures
- Radiation Biophysics
- Medical Lasers
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- X-Ray Analysis
- Laser Technology and Its Applications
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Industrial Training
- Physicist – R&D
- Semiconductor Engineer
- Photonics Engineer
- Biomedical Engineer
- High School Physics Teacher
- Science Officer
- Research Officer
- Data Analyst
Related Industries
- Government agencies
- Academia & Education
- Manufacturing & Industrial
- Telecommunications & Electronics
- Tech Companies