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Admission @USM
Pure Sciences
Applied Sciences
Pure Arts
Applied Arts
Medical, Dental & Health
Double Degree
Dual Degree
Joint Degree
PhD (Sport Science) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Sports Science) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Psychology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Psychology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Pharmacy) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Pharmacy) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Pharmacology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Pharmacology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Pharmaceutical Technology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Pharmaceutical Technology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Pathology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Pathology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Nutrition) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Nutrition) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Msc (Biomedicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Biomedicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Neuroscience) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Neurosciences) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Molecular Biology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Molecular Biology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Medical Physics) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Medical Microbiology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Medical Microbiology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Medical Immunology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Medical Immunology) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Human Genetics) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Msc (Human Genetics) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Dentistry) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Dentistry) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Community Medicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Community Medicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Clinical Sciences) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Clinical Sciences) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Nuclear Medicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Nuclear Medicine) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
MSc (Chemistry) - Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
PhD (Molecular Medicine) - Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine
MSc (Molecular Medicine) - Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine
Master of Cognitive Neurosciences - USM@KL
Doctor of Psychology (Psychology Clinical) - SAINS@KL
Doctor of Psychology (Neuropsychology Clinical) - SAINS@KL
Master of Medicine in Nuclear Medicine - Advanced Medical & Dental Institute
Master of Medicine in Transfusion Medicine - Advanced Medical & Dental Institute
Master of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Surgery (Neurosurgery) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Emergency Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Medical Genetics) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Chemical Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Medical Microbiology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Clinical Immunology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Haematology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Pathology (Anatomic Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Orthopeadics) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Ophthalmology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Surgery) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Radiology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Psychiatrics) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Anaesthesiology and Critical Care) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Science - Advanced Medical & Dental Institute
Master of Public Health - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Dental Public Health - School of Dental Sciences
MSc (Biomedicine) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Medical Education) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Statistic) - School of Medical Sciences
*Master of Neuroscience - School of Medical Sciences
DrPH in Health System Management - School of Medical Sciences
Master of Science in Molecular Medicine - Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine
MSc (Forensic Science) - School of Health Sciences
DrPH (Epidemiology) - School of Medical Sciences
DrPH (Environmental Health and Occupational) - School of Medical Sciences
DrPH (Family Health) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Clinical Anatomy) - School of Medical Sciences
Doctor of Neuroscience - School of Medical Sciences
DrDPH - School of Dental Sciences
MSc (Dentistry) - School of Dental Sciences
PhD (Dentistry) - School of Dental Sciences
MSc (Nursing) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Nutrition) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Medical Radiation) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Forensic Science) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Endocrinology and Metabolism) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Nutrition) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Sports Science) - School of Health Sciences
MSc (Epidemiology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Molecular Biology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Nutrition) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Parasitology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Audiology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Health Education) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Radiation) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Chemical Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Nuclear Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Physics) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Community Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Anatomy) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Neurosciences) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Reconstructive Science) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Education) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Statistic) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Radiation) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Reconstructive Science) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Physics) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Community Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Health Education) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Audiology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Neuroscience) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Anatomy) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Haematology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Education) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Psychology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Imaging) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Statistic) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Education) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Radiation) - School of Health Sciences
PhD (Nursing) - School of Health Sciences
PhD (Medical Physiology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Human Genetics) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Microbiology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Immunology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Clinical Sciences) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Imaging) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Psychology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Immunology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Pharmacology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Physiology) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Human Genetics) - School of Medical Sciences
MSc (Medical Microbiology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Nuclear Medicine) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Chemical Pathology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Parasitology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Nutrition) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Molecular Biology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Epidemiology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Endocrinology and Metabolism) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Pharmacology) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Medical Statistics) - School of Medical Sciences
PhD (Biomedicine) - School of Health Sciences
PhD (Forensic Science) - School of Health Sciences
PhD (Sports Science) - School of Health Sciences
Msc (Biomedicine) - School of Health Sciences